Saturday, June 28, 2014

Forever Kicking Ass Together

Sometimes I look at my friends and think to myself "Where did I meet these crazy people?". But then i think "What would I do without them?"

I'm a friendly person, friendly as I can socialize with a lot of people and consider them as my friend in 30 minutes conversation. All of us have friends but what does a friend really need to take, for them to be called a "friend?". We have different standards, different qualities that we're looking for I want to introduce to you my friends (Ugh. correction?) My crazy friends is a better term for them. :) Let me also tell you what does a friend mean to me. 

"If you have crazy friends you have everything." -- a quote from anonymous person from the internet.

So does it means that I have everything because I have them?  Is that as easy as that? IN choosing my friends, I don't really have any standards or what so ever criteria for you to be my friend. There will be just something on you that we'll keep us together. That something? Honestly, I can't explain it through words because at some point in me I can just feel it, enjoy it and say to myself "She's my friend" as simple as that. My friends are annoying but I love them and I really do. I'am a lucky person to have them. They understand me the way i want to be understand, they provide me happiness that everyone's looking for, they knew my flaws and accept it without any hesitations. Maybe that's the reason why I have everything and God knows how thankful I'am for having them in my life. So to all my friends here's a not so short and not so long message for you:

To all my friends,
      You are not a friend, you are a family to me. You are my sister from another mother. You guys, is a home. So here's to the crap we talk, the guys we stalk, the laughs we can't stop, the gossip we spill, the conversation that is impossible to be understand by others, the beers we'd shared and the tears we'd shared to our mutual pain. We'll stay together through the years! 
        I won't leave, you won't be alone. We'll be forever kicking ass together. Thank you for everything!

Your friend,

How to be HAPPY?

Hi! I'm here again to share my thoughts. This blog is about a tutorial, a not so commaon tutorial because it is a tutorial of emotion. The 7 steps to be happy :)

1. THINK less, FEEL more

We should lessen thinking, over thinking destroy happiness. It’s alright not to know all the answers. Sometimes we should let our mind be free from questions that floats in us through out the day. We should feel more, despite if all the problems and questions we must know when to stop stuffs, take a deep breath and have some coffee then feel the moment and forget everything for a while. It may sounds funny but I assure you. It helps :)

2. FROWN less, SMILE more

Frowning, sad face, poker face or what so ever face kind of face that brings negative vibes does not help at all. It just ruins your beautiful face. Smiling must be a habit. You don’t know how does a simple smile change a day of a person. It may bring them joy that will make their day. Smile is the makeup that will fit for all, it can also hide feelings and emotions. But whatever the reason behind that smile, just remember that everything will be fine and let your smile be the sign of your happiness for a while.

3. TALK less, LISTEN more

We talk often, talk about people, issues and everything under the sun. Words can make or break people. So we must be careful to the words that comes from us. We should listen more, sometimes listening is better from talking. Don’t just hear to something, listen to it then out in your heart analyze and maybe feel it at some point. For me people who know how to listen are the intelligent one. 

4. JUDGE less, ACCEPT more

By judging others, we blind ourselves to our own evil and to the grace which others are just entitle to as we are. “ Never judge others” You have no idea what their journey is all about or what they are going through. Whenever someone judge you just always remember that their critics are based on their content of understanding. We should accept more, accepting something is same as respecting the difference of others and sometimes acceptance will lead us to a better understanding of life. 


Happiness comes when we stop complaining about the problems and challenges we have and thank God for the problems that we don’t have. If you’re not going to put any effort to change it, don’t waste your time and efforts complaining about it. It doesn't change anything, it just ruins our thoughts. In my 18 years of existence here in earth. I realized that the secret of happiness is the appreciation for what you've got whether it’s a little or a lot. Learn to appreciate everything or anything. It will help you to be a better person. We must trade our expectation for appreciation.

6. FEAR less, LOVE more

Fear is an illusion, it just a product of our thoughts we create. We should stop letting fear rule our life. It just limit our capabilities, our ability to do something. All of us have fears but I’m telling you, you must choose faith over that fear. Keep that faith, hold to that faith that whatever happens everything will be alright and God have his purpose on why it need to happen. So from now on you must “Take every CHANCE and drop every FEAR”. Choose to love rather to have fear. Embrace love, share it. Feel it and let yourself be loved.

Those are my 7 steps on how to be happy. We all do have reasons to be happy. I just hope my steps will help you to find your happiness and when you finally find it never let it go. Keep it and treasure it. :) <3 (Credits to the owners of pictures)